Funny Sounding English Words

Image source: Smiling Animals
1. Namby-pamby - weak, with no backbone, lacking energy or courage.

2. Smellfungus  a captious critic, faultfinder, perpetual pessimist.

3. Bumfuzzle - confuse; perplex; fluster; baffle

4. Cattywampus - askew, awry, not lined up or not arranged correctly.

5. Gardyloo - a warning cry when throwings slops from the windows into the streets.

6. Taradiddle - a fib or petty lie: pretentious nonsense

7. Snickersnee - to engage in cut-and-thrust, a fight with knives: a large knife

8. Widdershins - in a left-handed or contrary direction; considered as unlucky.

9.  Snollygoster - a person who can't be trusted

10. Diphthong - literally "two sounds" or "two tones"

11. Goombah - An older friend who protects you; any male Italian in a derogatory way.

12. La-di-da - An interjection indicating that something is pretentious: foppish.

13. Lagopodous - Rabbit-footed, Like a rabbit's foot.

14. Lickspittle - a servile person, a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.

15. Logorrhea - incoherent talkativeness; repetitious speech.

16. Lollygag - to move slowly, fall behind; spend time aimlessly; idle; dawdle.

17. Mollycoddle - to treat too leniently; treat (someone) in an overprotective way.

18. Collywobbles - pain in the abdomen and especially in the stomach; intense anxiety.

19. Panjandrum - a person who has or claims to have a great deal of authority.

20. Oocephalus - an egg (shapped) head.

21. Slangwhanger - Someone who swears profusely or obnoxious writer.

22. Skedaddle - depart quickly or hurriedly; run away

